Future in Dart

Future in Dart#


A Future in Dart represents a potential value or error that will be available at some point in the future. It is commonly used for asynchronous operations that might take some time to complete, such as fetching data from the internet or reading a file. The Future allows you to write code that will execute when the operation is complete, without blocking the main thread.

How It Works#

  • Creating a Future: You can create a Future to represent an asynchronous operation. The Future can be completed with a value or an error.
  • Handling a Future: When you have a Future, you can use the then method to specify what should happen when the Future completes successfully, and the catchError method to handle errors.
  • Chaining Futures: You can chain multiple asynchronous operations by returning a Future from within a then callback.


Future<String> fetchUserOrder() {
  // Simulates a network request that takes 2 seconds to complete.
  return Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 2), () => 'Large Latte');

void main() {
  fetchUserOrder().then((order) {
    print('Order is ready: $order');
  }).catchError((error) {
    print('Something went wrong: $error');


The Future class in Dart is a key component for handling asynchronous operations that return a single value or error. It enables developers to write non-blocking code, ensuring that applications remain responsive while waiting for time-consuming tasks to complete. By leveraging Futures, developers can manage tasks like network requests, file I/O, and database queries efficiently. The use of then and catchError methods allows for straightforward handling of successful results and errors, respectively. Future is particularly important in environments like Flutter, where maintaining UI responsiveness is crucial.