Single Subscription vs. Broadcast Streams in Dart

Single Subscription vs. Broadcast Streams in Dart#


In Dart, streams are an essential tool for handling asynchronous data sequences. Streams allow you to receive a sequence of data asynchronously, which is particularly useful in scenarios where data isn’t available all at once. Instead, data becomes available over time, such as in network requests, file I/O, or user input events. Dart provides two main types of streams: Single Subscription Streams and Broadcast Streams.

Understanding the distinction between these two types of streams is critical for any Dart developer, as it directly impacts how data is managed, how many listeners can be attached, and how events are propagated to those listeners. In this article, we will explore both types of streams in detail, discussing their use cases, how they work, and providing practical examples to illustrate their differences.

What Are Streams in Dart?#

Before diving into the differences between Single Subscription and Broadcast Streams, it’s important to have a solid understanding of what streams are in Dart. A stream is an object that delivers a sequence of events asynchronously. These events can represent various types of data, such as network responses, user actions, or sensor data. Streams are similar to Futures, but while a Future represents a single asynchronous result, a stream can provide multiple results over time.

The Anatomy of a Stream#

A stream in Dart can deliver three types of events:

  1. Data Events: These events carry data, such as the result of a network request or a user’s action in a UI.
  2. Error Events: These events signal that an error has occurred during the stream’s operation. For example, a network request might fail, generating an error event.
  3. Done Events: This event signals that the stream has completed its operation and will not emit any further events.

Streams can be created in various ways, such as using StreamController, Stream.fromIterable, or Stream.periodic. Once a stream is created, you can listen to it by attaching a listener. The listener will receive all events emitted by the stream until the stream is closed or the listener is canceled.

Single Subscription Streams#


A Single Subscription Stream is a stream that can only be listened to by one listener at a time. Once a listener has been attached to the stream, no other listeners can subscribe. Additionally, the stream can only be listened to once. If you try to listen to it again after the first listener has finished, the stream will throw an error. This behavior makes Single Subscription Streams ideal for scenarios where a single sequence of events needs to be processed in a linear fashion.

Use Cases#

Single Subscription Streams are suitable for the following scenarios:

  • Network Requests: When making a network request, you typically only need to handle the response once. Using a Single Subscription Stream ensures that the response is processed in a linear fashion, with no risk of multiple listeners conflicting with each other.

  • File I/O: When reading a file, the data is usually processed in a single pass. A Single Subscription Stream allows you to handle the file’s contents as they are read, ensuring that each piece of data is processed in order.

  • Asynchronous Generators: If you are generating a sequence of events asynchronously, such as fetching data from a paginated API, a Single Subscription Stream ensures that the events are handled one at a time in the order they are produced.

How It Works#

Creating a Single Subscription Stream is straightforward. Here’s an example:

Stream<int> singleSubscriptionStream() async* {
  yield 1;
  yield 2;
  yield 3;

void main() async {
  var stream = singleSubscriptionStream();

  // First listener
  await for (var value in stream) {
    print('First listener received: $value');

  // Uncommenting the following lines will cause an error
  // because the stream has already been listened to.
  // await for (var value in stream) {
  //   print('Second listener received: $value');
  // }

Pros and Cons#


Predictable Behavior: Since a Single Subscription Stream can only be listened to once, the order of events and their handling is predictable. Efficiency: Single Subscription Streams are generally more efficient because they don’t need to manage multiple listeners or the complexities of broadcasting events. Simplicity: These streams are straightforward to implement and use, making them ideal for scenarios where you need a simple, linear event processing model. Cons: Single Listener Limitation: The biggest limitation of Single Subscription Streams is that they only support one listener. If you need to notify multiple parts of your application of the same events, you’ll need to find a different approach. No Re-Subscription: Once a Single Subscription Stream has been listened to, you cannot listen to it again. This limitation can be restrictive in scenarios where you might want to reprocess a stream.

Broadcast Streams#

  • Overview In contrast to Single Subscription Streams, a Broadcast Stream is designed to allow multiple listeners to subscribe simultaneously. When an event is emitted by a Broadcast Stream, all active listeners receive the event. This makes Broadcast Streams ideal for scenarios where multiple parts of your application need to react to the same events.

Broadcast Streams are commonly used in scenarios where you want to share the same data or events across different components or services within your application. For example, in a real-time chat application, you might use a Broadcast Stream to notify all active chat windows of a new message.

Use Cases#

Broadcast Streams are suitable for the following scenarios:

Real-Time Notifications:#

If you have multiple components in your application that need to react to the same real-time events, such as new messages in a chat application, a Broadcast Stream allows you to easily broadcast those events to all listeners.

Event Bus:#

In complex applications, an event bus pattern is often used to decouple different parts of the application. A Broadcast Stream can serve as the backbone of an event bus, allowing different modules to listen for and respond to global events.

UI Updates:#

When dealing with complex UI updates, such as in a dashboard with multiple widgets, a Broadcast Stream allows each widget to listen for changes in the underlying data model and update independently.

How It Works#

Creating a Broadcast Stream involves converting a regular stream into a broadcast stream using the asBroadcastStream method. Here’s an example:

Stream<int> broadcastStream() {
  return Stream<int>.periodic(Duration(seconds: 1), (count) => count).asBroadcastStream();

void main() async {
  var stream = broadcastStream();

  // First listener
  stream.listen((value) {
    print('First listener received: $value');

  // Second listener
  stream.listen((value) {
    print('Second listener received: $value');

In this example, the broadcastStream function creates a stream that emits values periodically. The asBroadcastStream method converts it into a broadcast stream, allowing multiple listeners to subscribe simultaneously. Both listeners in the example receive the same events, demonstrating how Broadcast Streams work.

Pros and Cons#


Multiple Listeners: The most significant advantage of Broadcast Streams is their ability to support multiple listeners. This feature is crucial in scenarios where the same data or events need to be shared across different parts of an application. Flexible Event Propagation: Broadcast Streams provide a flexible way to propagate events throughout an application, making them ideal for implementing global event buses or real-time notifications. Reusability: Broadcast Streams can be reused across different components, which can be particularly useful in complex applications with multiple interconnected modules.

  • Cons: No Event Caching: One limitation of Broadcast Streams is that they do not cache events. If a listener subscribes after an event has been emitted, it will not receive that event. This behavior can be problematic in scenarios where listeners need to catch up on missed events. Overhead: Managing multiple listeners and broadcasting events introduces some overhead. While this overhead is generally minimal, it can become significant in applications with a large number of listeners or high-frequency events. Complexity: Implementing and managing Broadcast Streams can be more complex than Single Subscription Streams, especially in scenarios where you need fine-grained control over event propagation and listener management.

Practical Considerations#

When deciding whether to use a Single Subscription Stream or a Broadcast Stream, it’s essential to consider the specific requirements of your application. Here are some practical considerations to help guide your decision:

  1. Number of Listeners Single Listener: If your stream will only ever have one listener, a Single Subscription Stream is the simpler and more efficient choice. This stream type is easier to implement and manage, making it ideal for straightforward, linear event processing.

Multiple Listeners: If you need to support multiple listeners, a Broadcast Stream is the way to go. This stream type allows multiple parts of your application to react to the same events, making it ideal for scenarios like real-time notifications, event buses, or complex UI updates.

  1. Event Propagation Linear Propagation: If your events need to be processed in a specific order, with no overlap or duplication, a Single Subscription Stream is the better choice. This stream type ensures that each event is handled once and only once, in the

overall example#

void main() async {
  print('--- Single Subscription Stream Example ---');
  await singleSubscriptionStreamExample();

  print('\n--- Broadcast Stream Example ---');

Future<void> singleSubscriptionStreamExample() async {
  // Create a Single Subscription Stream
  Stream<int> singleStream = Stream<int>.fromIterable([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);

  // First listener
  print('First listener starting...');
  await for (var value in singleStream) {
    print('First listener received: $value');

  // Trying to add a second listener will throw an error
  // Uncomment the following lines to see the error
  // print('Second listener starting...');
  // await for (var value in singleStream) {
  //   print('Second listener received: $value');
  // }

void broadcastStreamExample() {
  // Create a Broadcast Stream
  Stream<int> broadcastStream = Stream<int>.periodic(
    Duration(seconds: 1),
    (count) => count + 1,

  // First listener
    (value) {
      print('First listener received: $value');
    onError: (error) {
      print('First listener encountered an error: $error');
    onDone: () {
      print('First listener finished.');

  // Second listener
    (value) {
      print('Second listener received: $value');
    onError: (error) {
      print('Second listener encountered an error: $error');
    onDone: () {
      print('Second listener finished.');


Understanding the difference between Single Subscription Streams and Broadcast Streams is crucial for effective asynchronous data handling in Dart.

  • Single Subscription Streams are designed for scenarios where a stream is intended to be listened to only once. These streams are ideal for linear, one-time sequences of events, such as processing a single network request or reading a file. They ensure that events are processed in a predictable manner, but they do not support multiple listeners and cannot be listened to again after the initial subscription.

  • Broadcast Streams, on the other hand, allow multiple listeners to subscribe simultaneously, making them suitable for real-time notifications and scenarios where the same data needs to be shared across different parts of an application. Broadcast Streams provide flexibility in event propagation but come with limitations such as not caching events and potential overhead from managing multiple listeners.

By selecting the appropriate stream type based on your application’s needs—whether it’s for single, linear processing or for broadcasting events to multiple listeners—you can ensure efficient and effective asynchronous data handling, leading to a more robust and responsive application.