Writing Files in Dart

Writing Files in Dart: Handling Text and Binary Data, Managing Exceptions#

1. About#

In Dart, files can be written in either text or binary format. The dart:io library provides classes and methods for creating, writing to, and appending files. Managing exceptions effectively is crucial to prevent runtime errors, particularly when dealing with file systems.

2. Use#

Writing to files is a common requirement in applications, such as logging, saving user preferences, or storing data. You can:

  • Write text data to files (e.g., .txt, .json).
  • Write binary data to files (e.g., images, serialized objects).
  • Append data to an existing file.

3. How It Works#

To write to a file in Dart, you typically use:

  • File.writeAsString: Writes text to a file.
  • File.writeAsBytes: Writes binary data to a file.
  • File.openWrite: Opens a file for writing in a stream, useful for appending.
  • Exception handling is done via try-catch blocks, ensuring your program doesn’t crash if something goes wrong (e.g., missing file permissions).

4. Example: Writing and Appending Files#

Here’s an example of how to write text and binary data to files in Dart and manage exceptions.

import 'dart:io'; // Import the dart:io library for file operations
import 'dart:convert'; // For handling string-to-binary encoding

void main() async {
  // Writing Text Data
  String filePath = 'example.txt'; // File path

  try {
    // Writing text to a file
    File file = File(filePath);
    await file.writeAsString('Hello, Dart!\n');
    print('Text written to file.');

    // Appending text to the same file
    await file.writeAsString('Appending some text.\n', mode: FileMode.append);
    print('Text appended to file.');

  } catch (e) {
    print('Error writing to text file: $e');

  // Writing Binary Data
  String binaryFilePath = 'example.bin';
  try {
    // Writing binary data to a file
    File binaryFile = File(binaryFilePath);
    List<int> binaryData = utf8.encode('Binary Data Example');
    await binaryFile.writeAsBytes(binaryData);
    print('Binary data written to file.');

  } catch (e) {
    print('Error writing to binary file: $e');

5. Managing Exceptions#

When working with file operations, errors such as insufficient permissions or nonexistent directories may occur. Wrapping file operations in try-catch blocks ensures that the program can handle errors gracefully and provide useful feedback to the user.

try {
  // Your file operation code here
} catch (e) {
  print('File operation failed: $e');


  • Writing files in Dart is handled via the dart:io library.
  • You can write and append both text and binary data using methods such as writeAsString and writeAsBytes.
  • Exception handling is essential to manage potential errors during file operations.

This approach ensures both flexibility and safety when dealing with file systems in Dart applications.